3B:12-69 Definitions.
As used in P.L.1995, c.76 (C.3B:12-67 et seq.):
"Appointed standby guardian" means a person appointed pursuant to section 6 of P.L.1995, c.76 (C.3B:12-72) to assume the duties of guardian over the person and, when applicable, the property of a minor child upon the death or a determination of incapacity or debilitation, and with the consent, of the parent or legal custodian.
"Attending physician" means the physician who has primary responsibility for the treatment and care for the petitioning parent or legal custodian. When more than one physician shares this responsibility, or when a physician is acting on the primary physician's behalf, any such physician may act as the attending physician pursuant to this act. When no physician has this responsibility, a physician who is familiar with the petitioner's medical condition may act as the attending physician pursuant to P.L.1995, c.76 (C.3B:12-67 et seq.).
"Consent" means written consent signed by the parent or legal custodian in the presence of two witnesses who shall also sign the document. The written consent shall constitute the terms for the commencement of the duties of the standby guardian.
"Debilitation" means a chronic and substantial inability, as a result of a physically debilitating illness, disease, or injury, to care for one's minor child.
"Designated standby guardian" means a person designated pursuant to section 8 of P.L.1995, c.76 (C.3B:12-74) to assume temporarily the duties of guardianship over the person and, when applicable, the property of a minor child upon the death or a determination of incapacity or debilitation, and with the consent, of the parent or legal custodian.
"Designation" means a written document voluntarily executed by the designator pursuant to P.L.1995, c.76.
"Designator" means a competent parent or legal custodian of a minor child who makes a designation pursuant to P.L.1995, c.76.
"Determination of debilitation" means a written determination made by the attending physician which contains the physician's opinion to a reasonable degree of medical certainty regarding the nature, cause, extent, and probable duration of the parent's or legal custodian's debilitation.
"Determination of incapacity" means a written determination made by the attending physician which contains the physician's opinion to a reasonable degree of medical certainty regarding the nature, cause, extent, and probable duration of the parent's or legal custodian's incapacity.
"Incapacity" means a chronic and substantial inability, as a result of mental or organic impairment, to understand the nature and consequences of decisions concerning the care of one's minor child, and a consequent inability to make these decisions.
"Minor child" means a child under the age of eighteen years but excludes a child residing in a placement funded or approved by the Division of Child Protection and Permanency in the Department of Children and Families pursuant to either a voluntary placement agreement or court order.
"Triggering event" means an event stated in the designation, petition or decree which empowers the standby guardian to assume the duties of the office, which event may be the death, incapacity or debilitation, with the consent, of the custodial parent or legal custodian, whichever occurs first.

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