3B:12-1 Power of the court to order a protective arrangement.
If it is established that a minor, an incapacitated person or an alleged incapacitated person or a person not yet in being has property or an interest therein which may be wasted or dissipated or that a basis exists for affecting the property or interest and affairs of a minor, an incapacitated person or an alleged incapacitated person or person not yet in being, or that funds are needed for the support, care and welfare of the minor, incapacitated person or alleged incapacitated person or those entitled to be supported by him, the court may, subject to the appointment of a guardian ad litem and upon notice to the guardian ad litem, without appointing a guardian of the estate, authorize, direct or ratify any single or more than one transaction necessary or desirable to achieve any security, service, care or protective arrangement meeting the foreseeable needs of the minor, incapacitated person or alleged incapacitated person or those dependent upon him.

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